Lone Pine Hunters Club



New Hampshire's Oldest Sportsman's Club - Since 1913

Lone Pine Hunters Club, Inc. is located at:
67 Lone Pine Lane, formerly know as 114 Rideout Road.
Hollis, NH 03049

The Clubs Mailing address is:
PO Box 641
Nashua, NH 03061


Lone Pine originally got its start in Nashua New Hampshire in a small shack located at 142 Tolles St and had seven members. At that time the group came up with our name because while they were fox hunting on Long Hill, they agreed to meet up at the large lone pine tree. In 1947 they moved to Searles Road along the Salmon River. In 1965 we had an opportunity to purchase 118 acres in Hollis NH. We have been located at 114 Rideout Road ever since.

After moving to Hollis, the club has gone through many changes. We’ve made many improvements along the way but have managed the property to maintain it’s scenic and peaceful charm. Located along the Nashua River Water Shed gives us many different ways to enjoy many great aquatic activities. Our own boat dock gives us easy access to many adventures.

Our current club house was built in 1998 by the members and for the members. The building is 40×80 with a full basement that gives us 6400 square feet of space. The main hall will seat 175 people. There are two bathrooms, and a full commercially equipped Kitchen. The building is very comfortable with heat and central air conditioning.

As of July 2017, there have been some great accomplishments made that will have a profound affect on Lone Pines future. Through the efforts of the board of directors and several club members, all of the approvals and permits have been applied for and granted by the town of Hollis. The six house lots are all subdivided and sold. The new road is all approved and named, “Lone Pine Way”. The new road will be built by Jennings Excavation, who won the sealed bid. The possibility of breaking ground for the new underground shooting facility is the summer of 2018. We will have a better idea on the exact date very soon. We will have a formal ground breaking ceremony plan soon.